Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In the Middle of an Oreo, It's the Most Delicious Thing I Know

... with props to Weird Al. The new Mars rover has uncovered a mysterious white substance in its tracks. Apparently, the NASA eggheads can't tell if it's salt or ice. Is that where their list of possibilities ends? How about Martian pigeon s%!#? Or maybe it's something more sinister...
Is anyone else reminded of The Stuff? This is the 1985 classic in which the discovery of a great-tasting white ooze leads to the marketing of a new food product that takes over the brains and melts the bodies of those who eat it. I'm just saying that the rover should be careful. And if NASA suddenly starts selling Martian Yoplait, stay away!


Yeagers said...

Yes, Alex. I'm sure EVERYONE is reminded of that 1985 classic, The Stuff.

Anonymous said...

I've never even heard of the stuff. That is, however, without question, the most disgusting and upsetting image I have ever seen, mafe worse by the fact that it's so 80's-laytex-effecty. And Cyd Charisse was hot. And I know a girl named Sharise out here, and she's going to cut my hair and possibly play the collapisble woman. She is also hot.